PvHub Terms of Service

Dear users, welcome to register and use the services provided by PvHub .Please read the following terms carefully. If you disagree with any of the terms of this agreement, you can choose to stop logging in and stop using PvHub products and services. After you sign this agreement, it will be deemed that you have reached this agreement with PvHub, and at the same time, you fully accept all the contents of the terms of service, including any modification and supplement.

1.Who can use the service

You may use the service only if you agree to sign this agreement with PvHub and are not a person to receive the service prohibited by the law of the applicable jurisdiction. If you accept these terms and use the services on behalf of a company, organization, government or other individual entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to do so and have the right to bind the entity to these terms, where the words "you" and "your" shall refer to the entity.

2.Rules of use

2.1 The website and its services are developed by PvHub and are copyrighted. Users are not allowed to copy or publish the content of the platform without the consent of the corresponding copyright holders.

2.2 You agree to provide complete, true and accurate personal information when you register for an account. This information is very important to use the company's services and retrieve the lost account number and password. You will be responsible for account loss due to the untrue registration details or any other legal issues. the company does not bear any responsibility, and has the right to suspend or terminate the account number of such users.

2.3 Any organization or individual who registers an account of this website, makes, copies, publishes and disseminates the information content shall use the true identity, and shall not register with false or false resident identity information, enterprise registration information, organization code information, etc.

2.4 You are not allowed to use the network service system for any illegal purpose; you are not allowed to violate all network agreements, regulations and procedures related to network services; you are not allowed to use the online service system of this website for any behavior that may adversely affect the normal operation on the Internet; you are not allowed to use the online service system of this website to conduct any behavior that is not conducive to the company.

2.5 This agreement shall be governed by the laws of China without regard to its conflict of laws provisions.

3.Service content

3.1 Power Station Monitoring Service

You can use our PvHub software and the website(http://pv-hub.com)to create an online power station to collect real-time and historical data of power generation, power consumption, power grid, battery, etc.

3.2 Data Storage Service

Our collector will collect the data of inverter and other devices and send the data to our cloud service system, which will process and store the data.

3.3 Data Analysis Services

In order to provide you with better service and optimize the quality of our products, we need to process your personal information and the data of the power plant as follows, mainly including: collection, recording, organization, construction, storage, modification, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure, dissemination or other utilization, arrangement, combination, restriction, deletion or destruction.

3.4 Data Export Service

You can export your power station and equipment data in the web system for your own further analysis.

3.5 Information Change Service

When you find that there are exceptions or errors in personal information entry, you can modify your personal data by yourself; you have the right to complete incomplete personal data, including by providing supplementary instructions.

4.Using services

4.1 Our services are constantly developing. Therefore, we may change the service from time to time to optimize the service experience at our discretion.

4.2 In order to serve you better,we will agree to disclose your personal data and online power station information to equipment suppliers and installers.

4.3 When accessing or using the service, you are not allowed to do any of the following operations:

4.3.1 Detect, scan or test any system or network vulnerability, or destroy or circumvent any security or authentication measures;

4.3.2 Interfere or destroy to any user, host or network, including but not limited to sending viruses, overloading, flooding, sending spam, bombing services, or scripting content in a way that interferes with or imposes unnecessary burden on the service;

4.3.3 Do not use the online service system of this website to conduct any behavior detrimental to the company;

4.3.4 Do not violate local laws and regulations and conduct illegal operations.


5.1 On the premise of not disclosing individual user's privacy information, the company will conduct technical analysis on the entire user database and carry out commercial application on the user database that has been analyzed and sorted out. Although the company has made great efforts to protect the privacy of users, it still can not guarantee that the existing security technical measures will not make users' technical information suffer from any form of loss.

5.2 Without the user's permission, the company shall not disclose or share the personal identity information in the user's registration data to any third party, including but not limited to the following exceptions:

5.2.1 The user authorizes the company to disclose;

5.2.2 The company is required to disclose by relevant laws and regulations;

5.2.3 The company is required to provide by judicial or administrative authorities based on legal procedures;

5.2.4 When the company brings a lawsuit or arbitration to the user in order to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests;

5.2.5 When the user's personal identity information is provided according to the legal requirements of the user's guardian;

5.2.6 To safeguard the interests of the public.


6.1 We do not undertake the following responsibilities:

6.1.1 The accuracy, completeness or applicability of any information obtained through the use of the services or the website;

6.1.2 We do not guarantee that the network service will meet the user's requirements, or that the network service will not be interrupted, and we will not guarantee the timeliness, security and accuracy of the network service;

6.1.3 The services and the quality, safety, availability or any other aspect of the services;

6.1.4 Your (or any third party's) assets are lost or damaged (except due to our breach of this Agreement);

6.1.5 The service will be uninterrupted, timely provided, safe and reliable or error-free.

6.2 The user clearly agrees that the risk of using the online service of the website shall be borne by the user; all consequences arising from the use of the online service of the website shall also be borne by the user, and the company shall not bear any responsibility for the user.